CNA's stated, "Neither of the nurses told them to call 911."

Resident found unresponsive in bed; Staff did not perform CPR on full code resident.

CNA's stated, "Neither of the nurses told them to call 911."

In The News:

PLEASE NOTE: The following highlighted quoted text is only a portion of the full report/survey submitted by DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES. The full report/survey can be found here.
Based on interview and record review, the facility failed to ensure each resident was free from neglect for 1 of 3 residents reviewed for neglect (Resident #1).
The facility did not initiate CPR for Resident #1 when he was found unresponsive, with no respirations and no pulse. Resident #1 was a full code. Resident #1 was pronounced dead in the facility by RN A on [DATE] at 8:17 AM.
An Immediate Jeopardy situation was identified on [DATE]. The Immediate Jeopardy was removed on [DATE]. The facility remained out of compliance at a level of actual harm with a scope identified as isolated due to the facility’s need to complete training of all staff and monitor the plan of removal.
In an interview with RN A on [DATE] at 11:57 AM he said he knew that Resident #1 was a full code when he was found unresponsive. He said he decided not to do CPR because it had been too long. He said Resident #1 had a 4-inch diameter area of pooling on his left abdomen. He said he did not turn the resident to further assess for lividity.
In a telephone interview with RN A on [DATE] at 3:44 PM he said he did not initiate CPR for Resident #1 because too much time had passed, he hadn’t touched his breakfast. He said he did not know specifically what the facility policy was at the time regarding CPR. He said there was an in-service the following day or so regarding what to do when a resident is found unresponsive: Call 911 and get the firemen; start CPR; let the paramedics make the call. He said he thought the facility had held mock codes in the past, but he had not attended. He said, All of us were supposed to have CPR certification.
Review of licensed nursing staff personnel files revealed 14 out of 20 nurses, including the DON, did not have current CPR certifications at the time of Resident #1’s death. RN A’s CPR certification expired.
Personal Note from NHA–Advocates: NHAA shares with all the families of loved ones who are confined to nursing homes the pain and anguish of putting them in the care of someone else. We expect our loved ones to be treated with dignity and honor in the homes we place them. We cannot emphasize enough to family members of nursing home residents; frequent visits are essential to our loved ones’ well-being and safety. This nursing home and many others across the country are cited for abuse and neglect.
You can make a difference. If you have a loved one living in this nursing home or any other nursing home where you suspect any form of abuse or neglect, contact us immediately.
We have helped many already and we can help you and your loved one as wellby filing a state complaint, hiring a specialized nursing home attorney or helping you find a more suitable location for your loved one.
Contact us through our CONTACT FORM located on our website here below or on the sidebar or call our toll free hot line number: 1-800-645-5262.
You can make a difference even if your loved one has already passed away.

Your Experience Matters

...and we want to hear it.

NHAA is here to assist families, residents, and the community by sounding the alarm on issues like those found above. This nursing home and many others across the country are cited for abuse and neglect.

If you have or had a loved one living in this nursing home or any other nursing home where you suspect any form of abuse or neglect, contact us immediately.

We have helped many already and we can help you and your loved one as well by filing a state complaint, hiring a specialized nursing home attorney or helping you find a more suitable location for your loved one.

You can make a difference, even if your loved one has already passed away.

Please give us a call at 1-800-645-5262 or fill out our form detailing your experience.

Personal Note from NHA-Advocates

NHAA shares with all the families of loved ones who are confined to nursing homes the pain and anguish of putting them in the care of someone else. We expect our loved ones to be treated with dignity and honor in the homes we place them. We cannot emphasize enough to family members of nursing home residents; frequent visits are essential to our loved ones’ well-being and safety.

If you are struggling and upset, click here to understand your options, or contact us through our contact form or call our toll free hot line number: 1-800-645-5262.

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