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    • Did your loved one suffer abuse or neglect in a nursing home?
    • Do you feel trapped with nowhere to turn?
    • Do you feel powerless to make a change?
    • Were your efforts to resolve complaints unsuccessful or ignored?
    • Did the facility or staff give wrong or inaccurate information?

    What Can You Do

    Call NHAA to discuss your problems. Everyday we deal with families whose loved ones have suffered abuse or neglect in a nursing home. Everyday we talk with families who feel trapped and powerless. You can also:

    • Fill out our form with your problem
    • Email us your story
    • It’s not too late to make a difference.

    How Can You
    Make a Difference

    • You can sound the alarm for other vulnerable residents and their families.
    • By sharing your story with NHAA, we can inform the community about the care problems at the nursing home where your loved one resided.
    • Together we can pressure for change. You are not alone.